I’m Kate Zapata
A health and wellness junkie, real food and non-toxic living advocate, a Board Certified Holistic Registered Nurse (RN, HNB-BC) and a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP). I also completed Root Cause Protocol certification (RCPC) and am a Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP-1).
I’m a former hormone mess and post pill PCOS sufferer. Insulin resistance- had it, hypoglycemia- had it, severe cramps- had it, adrenal fatigue- check, migraines- check, painful acne- yes that was me, digestive issues, low energy, and crazy PMS- yes, yes and yes! When I didn’t find resolution in western medicine and was told that’s all normal, I started seeking alternative solutions. With tons of research and education I was able to regain my vitality through a holistic approach to real food, simple life style changes and mindfulness. Now I help women like you do the same so let’s get started!