Magnesium the wonder mineral
Did you know Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in our body?
Only 1% of Magnesium is found in the blood, which is why it’s so difficult to test for a deficiency. But living in the modern world creates a huge need for Mag. Your body will go through a whole lot of it when stressed, whether it’s due to physical stress, emotional stress, metabolic or environmental stress.
Magnesium runs over 3700 enzymatic reactions
It is required for ATP production (hello energy)
Improves the function of insulin and helps our cells use sugar well – that’s why it’s a frontline help for PCOS
It is essential for the production of thyroid hormone
It is responsible for “rest and digest” (the parasympathetic nervous system) so it soothes and calms your nervous system and regulates your HPA axis which supports all other hormones.
Magnesium normalizes the action of progesterone on the central nervous system, and by doing that it relieves symptoms of PMDD, migraines, and perimenopause.
Aides in sleep.
Promotes healthy estrogen metabolism and is so critical to hormone health and alleviating symptoms of PMS.
Allows muscles to relax
And so many more… It’s like Magic …. Mag
Magnesium Bicarbonate is what our bodies were designed to use. It’s the most bioavailable form of Mag and the one that’s easiest to absorb (it used to be abundant in spring waters). It’s super easy to make.
Another form that we used to get naturally was Magnesium Chloride, from sea water absorbed topically through our skin. So you may use Magnesium sprays on your skin.
Other forms of Magnesium will be less natural and less recognized by your body, therefore absorbed less.
Optimum dose is to take 5X your body weight in milligrams of Magnesium.
But because Mag awakens many functions in the body, it is very important to keep in mind that Magnesium can actually make people feel worse, when supplementing Mag right away. This is because of an imbalance in other minerals and again why I would consider doing an HTMA test with a practitioner to see what is the best next step to reestablishing your mineral balance for YOU!
So please consider Magnesium in the context of your body and the balance with other minerals.
HTMA is a great place to start. Go here for more info.
Stay healthy and nourished,
Kate Zapata